Schott 棕色蓝盖试剂瓶 100ml
Schott Duran实验室棕色试剂瓶可防紫外线保护瓶内物质,适用于盛放易观光物质,并可长期存放各种物质。
紫外线吸收可达 500 nm 光波长
技术参数:&苍产蝉辫;Schott 棕色蓝盖试剂瓶 100ml
218060856 | 棕色,带盖 | GL25 Lab bottle, amber, graduated,with cap, 10 ml | 10ml |
218061458 | 棕色,带盖 | GL25 Lab bottle, amber, with screw cap (PP) but without pouring ring, 25 ml | 25ml |
218061758 | 棕色,带盖 | GL32 Lab bottle, amber, with screw cap and pouring ring (PP), 50 ml | 50ml |
218062454 | 棕色,带盖 | GL45 Lab bottle, amber, with screw cap and pouring ring (PP), 100 ml | 100ml |
218062951 | 棕色,带盖 | GL45 Lab bottle, amber, with screw cap and pouring ring (PP), 150 ml | 150ml |
218063656 | 棕色,带盖 | GL45 Lab bottle, amber, with screw cap and pouring ring (PP), 250 ml | 250ml |
218064455 | 棕色,带盖 | GL45 Lab bottle, amber, with screw cap and pouring ring (PP), 500 ml | 500ml |
218065151 | 棕色,带盖 | GL45 Lab bottle, amber, with screw cap and pouring ring (PP), 750 ml | 750ml |
218065451 | 棕色,带盖 | GL45 Lab bottle, amber, with screw cap and pouring ring (PP), 1000 ml | 1000ml |
218066353 | 棕色,带盖 | GL45 Lab bottle, amber, with screw cap and pouring ring (PP), 2000 ml | 2000ml |
218066953 | 棕色,带盖 | GL45 Lab bottle, amber, with screw cap and pouring ring (PP), 3500 ml | 3500ml |
218067358 | 棕色,带盖 | GL45 Lab bottle, amber, with screw cap and pouring ring (PP), 5000 ml | 5000ml |
218068654 | 棕色,带盖 | GL45 Lab bottle, amber, with screw cap and pouring ring (PP), 10000 ml | 10000ml |